AGD: 585,720 Americans are excepted to die from cancer in 2014, that is almost 1600 people every day. Cancer is one of the leading cause of death in the US, it is second only to heart disease and accounts for 1 in every 4 deaths. (copyright 2014
Link: We hear about cancer on a regular basis in the media with skin, breast and lung cancers topping the list but there are over 200 different types of cancer that can develop in the human body. ( Rare cancers are defined as those which occur in less than 15 people per 100,000 annually.(copyright 2010
Thesis: Today, I am going to inform you about three different rare forms of cancer: cardiac sarcoma, malignant mesthelioma, and retinoblastoma.
Forecast: I discuss three rare cancers, their location, treatments and prognosis.
First Point: Cardiac Sarcoma subpoint: This is cancer involving cells within the heart. It can occur as a primary tumor (originating in the heart) or as a secondary tumor (cancers from other areas of the body that spread to the heart). As the tumor grows it interferes with the hearts ability to receive and pump body resulting in death if it is left untreated. (copyright 2014 subpoint: Surgery is the most common form of treatment in the initial stages of the disease, to remove the tumor or in extreme case heart transplant. Chemical and radiation therapy may be necessary in the advances stages of the disease. ( copyright 2014 subpoint: If diagnosed and treated quickly heart cancer is curable, however the long term impact of chemical, radiation and surgical intervention can have lasting effects on the heart's function. (copyright 2012