The word Zodiac comes from the Greek word Zodion, which means “Little animal.” The zodiac signs are the constellations along the Ecliptic at the respective points at certain days of the year. The zodiac signs are: Leo the Lion, Gemini the Twins, Aries the Ram, Sagittarius the Centaur, Taurus the Bull, Virgo the Virgin, Cancer the Crab, Libra the Scales, Capricorn the Seagoat, Scorpio the Scorpion, Aquarius the Water Bearer, and Pisces the Fish. One can find their zodiac sign by using a Celestial Sphere, a model of space by representing constellations and other astronomical figures on an imaginary bubble surrounding the earth. On the path in which the sun moves, known as the ecliptic, there are the individual days of the year. If a person finds where the sun meets their…