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June 20, 2003
Jiang Luo
Hongbin Cai
Antonio E. Bernardo
Information, agency, and incentives∗
Capital budgeting in multi-division firms:
.stcartnoc noitasnepmoc laireganam ni yap desab-ecnamrofrep level-mrfi dna level-noisivid fo ecnatropmi evitaler eht dna ,noisivid rehto eht ni seitinutroppo tnemtsevni fo ytilauq eht ot noisivid eno ni tnemtsevni fo ytivitisnes eht tuoba snoitciderp lanoitces-ssorc evired osla eW
.)tseb-tsrfi ot evitaler( secruoser eziliturednu sreganam dna latipac ni stsevnired
-nu yllareneg mrfi ehT .ytilauq rehgih si tcej orp rieht taht troper sreganam nehw yralas rewol a dna yap ecnamrofrep retaerg sreffo tcartnoc noitasnepmoc lairega
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The long-term health of a firm is determined by the quality of its investments. In a typical firm, capital is allocated to investment projects based on reports by division managers who have access to private information about project quality. The eventual success of any project may
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