Capital Punishment, Right or Wrong? Daniel Dunham St. Petersburg College
Author Note This paper was prepared for SLS 1101 The College Experience, taught by Professor Gallagher.
Personal views on Capital Punishment
The act of a human being murdered by one or more of
their own species is surely deemed inappropriate and unacceptable in
most all the nations around the globe today. If such people
choose to perform these crimes then they should indeed be punished for
their wrongdoing. “An eye for an eye”, if a person takes another persons
life away, then that person should die as well. There is no excuse for
this type of violent behavior and all the murderers and rapists that exist
need be held accountable for their actions. Capital punishment is a
justifiable punishment for the people who choose to perform incredibly
violent crimes.
What is Capital Punishment?
Capital punishment is defined as “the lawful infliction of
death as a punishment”(; also known as the death penalty.
The judicial term for capital punishment is interpreted as a death sentence
while the actual act of killing is referred to as an execution. Most of the
nations that support the death penalty reserve it for murder, espionage,
treason, or military justice. Capital punishment is currently enforced in
the U.S through lethal injection although it has been administered by gas
chambers and electric chair in the past.
Capital Punishment: World Wide
Iran, Afghanistan, Yemen and the U.S hold the
record for most executions and it is enforced thousands of
times a year with “China holding the record averaging 2000 executions a