There are many differences in the way people view the death penalty. Some are against it and some agree with it. There have been many studies trying to prove or disprove a point regarding the death penalty. Some have regarded the death penalty as a hindrance, and some have regarded it as state sanctioned murder and not civilized. The death penalty has been linked to societies for hundreds of years. More recently, as we become more civilized, the death penalty has been questioned on if it is the correct way to so enforce justice on the people. The death penalty is a highly controversial subject. No one knows who’s right or who’s wrong-it’s fifty percent speculation and fifty percent research. It’s just a lot of thoughts and beliefs from people who have contributed to the death penalty controversy. Who’s right and who’s wrong? That is the question.
First, there is a lot of history and mystery behind the death penalty and almost all nations in the world have had the death sentence and have enforced it in many ways. It was used in almost all cases to punish those who broke the laws or standards set by society. Some of the historical methods of execution are flaying or burying alive, boiling in oil, crushing beneath the wheels of vehicles or the feet of elephants, being thrown into a pit filled with wild meat eating animals , being forced to fight in a combat arena, being shot from the mouth of a cannon, impaling, piercing with javelins, starving to death, poisoning, strangling, suffocating, drowning, shooting, beheading, and more recently to be introduced, electrocuting, using the gas chamber, and being given a leather injection(Amnesty) . The ancient societies had some pretty brutal methods that were just plainly inhumane.
Fortunately, most of the disgraceful practices were largely unknown in early American tradition. America inherited most of its capital punishment from the United Kingdom, but many generations ago, in both England and