Out of the four points of punishments I could easily point out the prime difference between older punishments and modern punishments. Older punishments were focused on retribution; modern punishments are focused on rehabilitation. If I had to list the focus of both eras in order from greatest to least it would look like this. Older: Retribution, Deterring, isolation, rehabilitation (only if it was available). Modern: Rehabilitation, Isolation, Deterring, Retribution (Hardly ever the case). Older forms of capital punishment revolved around retribution. In the modern era Capital punishment is hardly enforced and courts would prefer to isolate that person before killing them. Deterring a person from breaking a rule was a major method of punishment in older times (1500-1860). Public beatings were the best way to deter someone from breaking any rules. In the modern western world we do not beat criminals.(outside of the western world criminals are often beaten in public) . Isolation is the most common form of punishment in any era. When a law is broken a criminal is kept away from society as a negative consequence. They are either sent to a prison, a camp, a ship, or locked up at their home; Unable to contact the outside world.
Out of the four points of punishments I could easily point out the prime difference between older punishments and modern punishments. Older punishments were focused on retribution; modern punishments are focused on rehabilitation. If I had to list the focus of both eras in order from greatest to least it would look like this. Older: Retribution, Deterring, isolation, rehabilitation (only if it was available). Modern: Rehabilitation, Isolation, Deterring, Retribution (Hardly ever the case). Older forms of capital punishment revolved around retribution. In the modern era Capital punishment is hardly enforced and courts would prefer to isolate that person before killing them. Deterring a person from breaking a rule was a major method of punishment in older times (1500-1860). Public beatings were the best way to deter someone from breaking any rules. In the modern western world we do not beat criminals.(outside of the western world criminals are often beaten in public) . Isolation is the most common form of punishment in any era. When a law is broken a criminal is kept away from society as a negative consequence. They are either sent to a prison, a camp, a ship, or locked up at their home; Unable to contact the outside world.