Frustrations with the current social order, and its affixation with capitalism, have manifested across the globe in the forms of protests, speeches, and riots. The voices of countless individuals clearly convey that the need to rectify the fundamentals flaws of our global infrastructure is dire. xxxxxxx. Feelings of anger, and disdain with our current state, while understandable—and, for that matter justifiable—cannot be allowed to erupt into violence. Every attempt to demonize and alienate certain individuals or groups as criminals of capitalism, will only further divide the collective population. Individuals of the “one percent” are victims of an ideological monstrosity that has plagued the minds of the collective. The imbalance of wealth is but a symptom of an overarching sickness.
I will not pretend that peace marches, and witty signs will reinvent anything besides our understanding of what a hippy is. Instead I decided to look at economics at the most basic level, which