Module 4 Assignment 2
Course Project
July 27, 2011
Outline :
Deforestation is not something we can just look over. There are many things in our lives that we take pride in and protecting our forest is one of them. Our trees help our animals live, our crops grow, and our families survive.
Thesis Statement:
How do humans benefit from the trees?
I. Is deforestation the cause of climate change? A. The forest can provide many different products. 1. Consumers use these products everyday ● Cost of products increasing 2. Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere ● Most trees hold in the carbon dioxide 3. Changes in the ecosystem ● loss of trees mean higher risk of disasters.
II. Rain forest are slowly vanishing B. “Slash and Burn” process. 1. Many farmers are following this process. ● new farmers and crops 2. loss of animals and species ● lose their homes and food 3. the rate of deforestation ● within 100 years all forest will be vanished
III. Ecosystem vs. Deforestation C. The forest ecosystem benefits all humans. 1. Most places don’t have fresh water sources so the forest provides many resources. ● clean water 2. We takes trees for granted but what really is their purpose. ● Trees collect CO2 and release oxygen
IV. Is pollution worse than deforestation? D. Flying in an airplane is better than cutting down trees. 1. The amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere ● One day of deforestation equals 8 million people flying 2. The amount of CO2 a tree holds. ● released into the atmosphere
V. Is livestock and crops really that important? E. How can the livestock and crops live without tress? 1. Farmers should find clear land instead of clearing land. ● Trees provide food, shade, water, and oxygen for the livestock and crops. 2. New businesses and communities ● loss of trees
VI. Where would the world be without trees? F. Is the world going to end because the lack of oxygen? 1. Natural Disasters are causing trees to be torn down. ● Tornadoes, hurricanes, and drought 2. Recycling will help reduce the amount of trees that have to be cut down ● use less packaging, paper, and plastic
If we start thinking about our futures then we shouldn 't have any problems in reducing the way we live now. Our planet needs our help by saving it and protecting what we have left. We all need to start by recycling, planting trees, and save what wildlife we have left. Even if we only help by ding one thing it is still considered helping.
FAO. (2006). Scientific facts on forest retrieved on July 13, 2011 from
Facing the Future (2011). Deforestation retrieved on July 27, 2011 from
National Geographic. (2011). Deforestation retrieved on July 13, 2011 from
University of Michigan (n/d). Deforestation retrieved on July 13, 2011 from
Howden, D (2007). Deforestation: the Hidden Cause of Global Warming retrieved on July 13, 2011 from (2005-2008). Pros and Cons of Deforestation retrieved on July 13, 2011 from
Deforestation ( 2008). Pros and Cons of Deforestation retrieved on July 13, 2011 from
References: FAO. (2006). Scientific facts on forest retrieved on July 13, 2011 from Facing the Future (2011). Deforestation retrieved on July 27, 2011 from National Geographic. (2011). Deforestation retrieved on July 13, 2011 from University of Michigan (n/d). Deforestation retrieved on July 13, 2011 from Howden, D (2007). Deforestation: the Hidden Cause of Global Warming retrieved on July 13, 2011 from (2005-2008). Pros and Cons of Deforestation retrieved on July 13, 2011 from Deforestation ( 2008). Pros and Cons of Deforestation retrieved on July 13, 2011 from