
Cardiovascular System

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BIOC33/CC4 Cardiovascular System (Lectures 1-4) Study Guide (2015)
Lecture 1: Electrical Conduction within the Heart
The Conduction System of the Heart
Pacemaker Potential
Sample Questions
1. What is the pathway of electrical conduction in the heart?
2. Which changes in ionic conductance (permeability) accompany the various phases of the pacemaker potential?




a) In zone 1, a decrease in PK and an increase in PNa: In zone 2, an increase in PCa
b) In zone 1, a decrease in PK and an increase in PCa: In zone 2, an increase in PNa
c) In zone 3, a large increase in PNa: In zone 4, an increase in PK and a decrease in PCa
d) In zone 3, a large increase in PCa: In zone 4, an increase in PK and a decrease in PNa
e) A and D

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What are the characteristics of ventricular fibrillation?
2. Describe the changes in atrial pressure, ventricular pressure, aortic pressure and ventricular volume that occur during the various stages of the cardiac cycle. Illustrate when the various valves are open or closed.
3. In order for both of the semilunar valves to be open:
a) P (pulmonary artery) < P (right ventricle) and P (aorta) > P (left ventricle)
b) P (pulmonary artery) < P (right ventricle) and P (aorta) < P (left ventricle)
c) P (right ventricle) = P (aorta) and P (left ventricle) = P (pulmonary artery)
d) P (pulmonary artery) > P (right ventricle) and P (aorta) > P (left ventricle)
e) P (pulmonary artery) > P (right ventricle) and P (aorta) < P left ventricle
4. During Iso-volumetric contraction of the heart:
a) There is an increase in pressure without a change in volume.
b) The semilunar valves are closed.
c) The AV valves are closed
d) A and B
e) A, B and C

5. Use the following information and diagrams to calculate the mean electrical axis of the heart.
Each division on the leads equals 1.
Magnitude of the QRS complex in lead I = 2
Magnitude of the QRS complex in lead II = 5
Magnitude of the QRS complex in lead III = 3
a) Approximately 33°
b) Approximately 43°
c) Approximately

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