The croft house care home is a nice and lovely place where elderly people who are just old or have hearing and sight problems can feel safe and get the right care for them. It also allows their families and friends to go and visit any day between 9am till bedtime which is usually 9pm this is good because it will let the residents catch up and see new faces. Croft house sometimes takes day trips to the shops or even the cost this is good because it lets them see new place and they would be getting bored if they were just stuck at the care home all day every day. Croft house care home has a little sitting area with a bench and flowers this allows residents sit and get some fresh air and talk or make friends with other residents. There is also one day a week were they do gardening and they will help look after the plants and it will keep them active. This is providing the residents with the care value “taking a person centered approach” because it is giving the residents of croft house the choice of what they do and the staff does not force them to go out if they don’t want to. It will make the residents feel safe and happy this is a positive impact on them.
The staff keeps everything the residents tell them to their selves and this is using the care value “confidentiality” this will make the residents feel happy and safe because you haven’t gone and told anyone this is a positive impact. But if it was a negative impact on the residents this would leave them feeling scared, upset and embarrassed just because you told someone.
The members of staff at croft house care home take the residents on day trips when they go they always have a member of staff with at least 4 residents each. The care value here that is being used is “safeguarding or duty of care”. This will have a positive impact on the resident’s because if someone gets lost and don’t have a member of staff with them then they will get scared and upset and could have a panic