Care values are a set of rules and guidelines that every health and social care practitioner has to follow in order to provide services to their clients. The seven principles are: - Promoting equality and diversity - Maintaining confidentiality of information –promoting individual’s rights and beliefs.
In a day care setting the practitioners maintain confidential information as they follow the data protection act, the day care centre also ensures no private information is shared unless it is between the group and a parent/carer. E.g. a practitioner couldn’t share information on a child’s address to anyone.
In a nursing care setting the practitioners maintain confidential information as they have to follow a code of practise The code: Standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nursing care workers:
"You must respect people's right to confidentiality."
"You must ensure people are informed about how and why information is shared by those who will be providing their care."
"You must disclose information if you believe someone may be at risk of harm, in line with the law of the country in which you are practising."
It is unacceptable for a nursing care practitioner to:
Discuss matters related to the people in their care outside the clinical setting
Discuss a case with colleagues in public where they may be overheard
Leave records unattended where they may be read by unauthorised persons.
In a residential care setting the practitioners maintain confidential information as , like in a day and nursing care setting have to follow the Data Protection Act 1998
This act protects residents from breaches in confidentiality by ensuring they keep
Only necessary information and that this information is secure.
In a day care setting the practitioners ensure that equality and diversity is promoted as they aim to
Ensure that all children are encouraged and able to achieve their full potential.