During the class Spiritual Care for Patients, I was given an opportunity to spiritually assess, and determine care/treatment plan for a patient through a project called Nurse/Patient Verbatim. The overall goal of this project was to meet patients spiritual needs that most nurses fail to meet due to time constrictions and heavy patient load. For this project, I selected an 80 year old Hispanic female who was suffering from severe congestive heart failure (CHF). During the spiritual assessment, I found out that her failing health had poor effects on her emotional and spiritual health. Throughout the conversation, the patient appeared sad and lonely. The woman who …show more content…
Having too many patients and not enough time; too much charting and not enough time; too many family members to deal with and not enough time are the main reasons that hinders a nurse’s effort to meet patient’s emotional and spiritual needs. The mind-body connection reveals the emotional, mental and spiritual elements of physical disease. When your mind is not doing well your body won’t do well either. As nurses we need to promote a patients psychological and emotional wellbeing in order to facilitate physical