The role of Caritas is large and varied, but most importantly it provides hope for millions of children, women and men by helping them to become self-sufficient, providing them with access to an education, teaching them better ways of farming as well as supporting their family and community. This support assists these people to break free from the cycle of poverty.
One of the major keys of people breaking free from poverty is Education. According to Caritas there are 59 million primary school-age children who are unable to attend school because of poverty, poor health and conflict. These families are struggling to survive and thus education for their children is not of priority.
Given half of the world’s population live on less than $2 per day , most of the children are sent to work to help support their families or kept …show more content…
Even if we set aside the issue of lack of education, due to the level of poverty in many countries, they don’t even have access to simple necessities such as clean water and a fresh meal every day. Without the work of Caritas, many more people around the world would be dying from malnutrition, diseases, violence and conflict because they would not have the ability to take control and improve their