Likewise, when something of such a nature was bestowed upon us, karma came rearing her head around the corner with coincidences that made up for the fact that he had done us wrong. Things like these have a suited name for them called synchronicity mean that one or more events happen that come together to create something of meaning but out of the blue. I call it Karma more that most of the time personally. To give you examples of synchronicity, I will explain occurrences that have happened in my life. One time missed my friend Jackson birthday parties and I had promised him I was going to be there, but at the last minute I got sick and could not attend plus I rarely ever see him because he lives so far away from me that being taken to his house is considered a hassle. After his party had passed and I had gotten better, I was on my way out of the country to go to Paris, France but what I did not know at the time was that Jackson too was going to Paris. I was walking around the Louvre in France when all of a sudden someone ran up to me and hugged me as tight as
Likewise, when something of such a nature was bestowed upon us, karma came rearing her head around the corner with coincidences that made up for the fact that he had done us wrong. Things like these have a suited name for them called synchronicity mean that one or more events happen that come together to create something of meaning but out of the blue. I call it Karma more that most of the time personally. To give you examples of synchronicity, I will explain occurrences that have happened in my life. One time missed my friend Jackson birthday parties and I had promised him I was going to be there, but at the last minute I got sick and could not attend plus I rarely ever see him because he lives so far away from me that being taken to his house is considered a hassle. After his party had passed and I had gotten better, I was on my way out of the country to go to Paris, France but what I did not know at the time was that Jackson too was going to Paris. I was walking around the Louvre in France when all of a sudden someone ran up to me and hugged me as tight as