Carmilla Vs Dracula
Carmilla is a vampire and therefore a demon, just like the most prominent hypnotic literary vampire, Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Although these novels were published after The Mystery of Edwin Drood, in 1872 and 1897 respectively, we can see the seeds of this very popular gothic theme in Jasper. Specifically, Rosa is as horrified by the demon within Jasper, as Laura is when she is woken up by a demonic figure in the middle of the night. Jasper’s evil side does not appear as a different person or even animal like Dr. Jekyll, Carmilla or Dracula when attacking their victims, the demon in him is not an entity that can be separated from the original Jasper, nor can his evil deeds be attributed to the animal-monster instincts, like in the novels mentioned
before. On the contrary, Jasper’s demon is his inner self, uncanny but human, although Mr.Grewgious thinks of him as ‘a brigand and a wild beast in combination.’