1. How do the conventional choropleth technique and the unclassed choropleth technique differ? The conventional chorophleth technique groups the data values into classes with an unique areal symbol; in the unclassed choropleth technique each value is symbolized by its own unique areal symbol. 2. When employing the conventional choropleth technique, approximately how many classes should you use? In the conventional choropleth technique you should use 4-6 classes. 3. If you had a shapefile consisting of states of the United States, how would you create a new shapefile of only the New England states?
To create a new shape file for New England you should right-click countries in the “Table of Contents”, select “Data”, then “Export Data”. “Export data” window will open, where you should click the catalog browser button to select where you want to save your file. You should name the file “New England” and click “ok”. 4. If your attribute table contained two fields, Population and Area (in square miles), how would you create a choropleth map of the derived value of Population Density (persons per square mile)? To create a choropleth map with two different fields you have to normalize your informations. You should open the proprieties window and with the population field select from the normalization list. You have to create a new value by dividing the value field (area) by the normalization field (population). Then you should right-click on one of the ranges then select Format Labels, and in the Number Format window, select Rate. In the numeric option window you should put 1 decimal rounding. Check the Pad with zeros checkbox, and finally make a color selection.
5. What are the classification schemes available in ArcMap?
There are six automatically-calculated classification schemes in ArcMap: Equal Interval, Defined Interval, Quantile, Natural Breaks (Jenks), Geometrical Interval, and