The improvement chosen for this particular case, was to improve or maintain a blood pressure of 120/80 or less.
The goal in this case is to maintain a systolic pressure (upper number) at the January level of 116 or no greater than 120, while lowering the diastolic pressure (lower number) to below 80 by way of increased physical activity.
Initial results showed an increase rather than a decrease in diastolic pressure. Mode of activity was changed/modified, with the return of diastolic pressures to 80. The conclusion is increased activity must be consistent and time-based in order to achieve the desired result.
Planning: I had my annual physical exam in January 2018 at which time it was noted that I had lost 8 lbs. through diet modification. With a blood pressure of 116/80, it was …show more content…
According to the article 10 Ways to Control Your Blood Pressure Without Medication, written Mayo Clinic staff member, walking is one way to improve blood pressure (2018). The tracking method chosen was a combination of the FitPro and Samsung Health apps for androids.
I chose a form of the PDSA cycle for continuous improvement discussed in Chapter 5 of the Introduction to Healthcare Quality Management textbook. According to P. Spaeth (2013), the PDSA (Plan, Do, Study, Act) is the most used and recognized improvement model (117). The ability to continuous repeat each cycle gives one the ability to gain a greater understanding of how well a change is working or if it is not working, modifying, or if necessary, taking a different direction for improvement (118). At the beginning of March, the process was re-evaluated and modified to include fitness center aerobic exercise. Blood pressure measurement on March 6th was 142/95.