Writed by Monika Kacprzak
My name is monika.I didn’t become care assistant out of choice but feel necesary.I was trust into the role when my grandfather become unable to care for himself.
He suffered from multiple sclerosis.I was with him while he was going through all stages of that disease untill the day when the muscles needed to breath stop working.
On taht day I decided to use knowladge and expirience I gain to help other people.
The reasone why I have decided to do this course is to learn a fulfillment of the special needs and requirements that are unique to senior citizens. …show more content…
Having visited a nursing home on many occasion I feel that a safe environment is being maintained.Very often health and safety requirements seem to be used in opposition to a “normal and homely” environment.I would argue that the two go hand in hand since residents cannot feel “at home”if they don’t feel safty and secure.
Specific needs
The older people with limitation in mobility have problems with walking iknside,outside or in unfamiliar surroundings.They may also have difficulties in safly transferning from a lying position to siting position.
John suffers from hip pain.That was happend when he slips in the toilet.Now John using a walking frame to walk.
Walking is very imoprtant for John rehabilitation an d his problem with high blood pressure.
Eating and Drinking
As started earlier John suffers from high blood pressure and high cholesterol, as a result he need a healthy diet with low salt and coffeine intake.Also can drink alkohol.John takes medication to lower blood pressure(given by …show more content…
Unfortunately as we grow older our bodies(like machine)may not function as well and we may become “less able”then before.As a result John takes more time and effort to do thing but he is still enjoyed his life.
A routine is good for everybody, and mainly for seniors.They alweys feel comfortable when doing the things they like nand are used to do.The time they wake up, take a shower, to walk, to read the nwspapaer and take a coffe, etc. But sometimes there is need to break this routine carefully with something with good that make them happier.
The most important thing over the care duties us to make tjis part of the life of the old person as comfortable as care can do. If a person is happy at weart he alweys feels young. If we keep our old people well and cheerful, they will alweys feel young and happy even in their old years.Beside the physical care the old people need our company.Sit with them and give them our company.Make the old people feel that they are not ann unnecessary burden, but they are most wanted and loved.
Conclusion and