Xiaolin Tian MIS in Your Pocket
Q1: The applications are described in this case are e-mail, calendar and contacts from Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync. Furthermore, there are some new software applications like hospital’s MEDITECH electronic medical records system, Epocrates Essentials, ChainLinq Mobile and iPhone app.
The business function of these kinds of applications is to make employees control their work easily, and help them to fix complex things. The e-mail application keeps the doctors and other employees or patients in contact with each other at anytime. MEDITECH helps doctors to keep and search the information of medical records or some other results at anytime or anywhere. Epocrates Essentials application helps doctors to explain the lab results, and conclude some medical information. ChainLinq Mobile application can track the shipment information.
Therefore, all these applications help to improve operational efficiency and decision making. They help decision making faster and more correct, and it is convenient for the company to do some operations quickly. Companies can save time and money through using these applications.
Q2: The mobile digital devices help companies solve business problems like doctors use of iPhone to receive e-mails and to be called anytime no matter where they are. Doylestown Hospital uses these kinds of tools to manage the information of thousands of patients, and help doctors to analysis medical results, and information for their patients who are easier to manage by using mobile digital devices. If some emergency conditions happened, the hospital can contact the doctors quickly. D.W. Morgan uses ChainLinq Mobile to update the information of shipping and track the positions of delivery which helps the company control their operations easily and efficiently; even though some problems occurred in shipping process, the company can also track the box and fix the problems quickly. TCHO uses
References: “iTunes” Apple Web 24 January 24 2012. http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/amazon-mobile/id297606951?mt=8 “iTunes” Apple Web 17 January 2012. http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/fedex-mobile/id304462049?mt=8 “iTunes” Apple Web 6 January 2012. https://market.android.com/details?id=com.chase.sig.android&hl=en Keith Dsouza. How to Multitask in iOS4 on iPhone, iPod Touch. 21 June 2012. http://techie-buzz.com/mobile-news/how-to-multitask-in-ios4-on-iphone-ipod-touch.html Ryan Whitwam. How multitasking really works on Android and iOS. 5 January 2012. http://www.extremetech.com/computing/112013-how-multitasking-works-on-android-and-ios/2