Case 7: The Case Study for this Week
MGMT-591-62034 Leadership & Org Behavior
July 28th, 2012
The Forgotten Group Member
Group Development
In the case study, "The Forgotten Group Member" (p. W-112) the components of the team came out of the forming stage to enter to the Storming stage. At this stage, as the book points out, is a period of high tension among the group members and emotionality. During this stage, hostility and infighting may occur. This can be seen when one of the members, Mike, feels outside of the group. From the beginning Mike was categorized as the clown of the team, and he contributed to have given that name. During the process, he has not shown much cooperation and/or effort in terms of meetings and tasks assigned as a team. Therefore Christine, Diane, Janet and Steve have shared more and developed teamwork in which each has a function. Misinterpretations and some incidents occurred during those five weeks that made Mike feel rejected by his team. All these events have created an atmosphere of tension where the team has been not able to completely create a team work. Christine as "Team leader" was worried and understood Mike and even empathized with him but on the other hand the group it could be affected by his performance. By knowing the different of the stages that team passes, Christine could have prevented certain situations, for example in the formation stage is when the group is known and defined the goal of them as a team and what is expected of them as individuals. It is important to remember what the "team" will produce at the end of the class (a good grade). Another important point is the behavior and attitudes as individuals within the team and establishes rules.
Problem Identification
Primary, the group itself was facing a problem of communication which has brought misunderstandings with one of the members. From the beginning the communication was not effective with this