In the public services you need to work at your best levels, this meaning you are needed to work well with your fellow work mates. Working as a team will get things done faster and better meaning that more people can be helped; however working in a team has advantages and disadvantages. Some disadvantages are that people may not get on meaning they don’t want to help each over out so this will make things harder. Also working in a team you will find that you make think something is right and others may think that you are wrong, this also will slow things down. On the other hand there are advantages of working in a team as there are more of you meaning the work can be spread out across the team this helps by not putting all the pressure on one person and also the work will get done quicker and being in the public services work needs to be done quick because life’s could be in danger.
When a group of people get together to do the same thing they starts to build a team, Bruce Tuckman in 1965 come up with an theory that explains how a group of people become a good team. He said that there are four stages to make a good team they are: Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing. Forming is the stage when everyone is trying to get to know each over, however is not sure of what they are doing and look to the person in charge, And also not a lot of agreement in the team. Then there is Storming this is when everyone’s trying to finder there place in the group also this is when relationship are formed meaning that it is easy to get distracted from the task on hand, Likewise it hard for the team to make decisions together. Then there’s Norming this is when they fist start to work as a good team it is easy for them to make a group decision, positions and roles in the group are respected and understood. Also this is when they may start to have fun outside of the work meeting up and doing social activities together. Last there is Performing this is when the