Police brutality has been witnessed recently over the years in America. The topic has been controversial among communities that have seen brutality in front of them. I understand that police officers face many threatening situations everyday forcing them to make split second decisions and to expect the worst and hope for the best. Police officers are allowed and have the power to take any citizens rights away. One …show more content…
The use of force should be viewed by both the police and the community.
The use of force was a little exaggerated when the teenager was slammed into the concrete. The police are meant to protect and serve the community. Officers should be trained properly not to resort to violence and abuse their power. The authorities are placed on a pedestal by the rest of the society. The image, rules, and the codes of ethics within the police force should be upheld at all times. If officers find it ok to use brutality to resolve issues, then they don't set good examples to dispute resolution between individuals. Police abuse is one of the most severe violation human rights in the United States. Officers