There have been many cases on freedom of speech and public places. The first Amendment of the Bill of Rights provides that “Congress shall make no law abridging the right of the people peaceably to assemble. Rights to free speech and assembly are not absolute under the relevant Jurisprudence. The Supreme Court has developed categories of public spaces where expressive activities may take place. ”(Gravey & Schaver, 1992, Chapter 2)
As I read the case of Bruce Rocker I took notes about the problems in the case and possible solutions.
Case Brief:
This case analysis is about rock star Bruce Rocker who is returning home to Maryland to announce that he was running for political office. His fans wanted to have a welcome home gathering for him and also for him to give a 15 minute speech at the Baltimore Washington International airport. Airport regulations forbids “any gathering of more than 30 people anywhere in the airport unless travel related.”(, 2012, para. 1)
Case Background:
In this case of Bruce Rocker there are a few issues if this case goes to court. The issue here is that Reg B is not clear as to what it actually means. The first thing I seen was “travel related” what exactly is that and who makes that decision? The purpose of the Reg. B is to avoid congestion and to promote the smooth operation of the airport, this could be debated by providing fewer restrictions, and even with travel related groups it would cause issues as well. A similar case would be Hague v CIO where consideration of an ordinance that would give a city official the discretion to decide if a organization seeking to hold a meeting in public spaces in the city would be allowed to do so. Whenever the official concluded that the meeting posed a risk of disturbance, he could reject the request. (, 1998, p. 154) The next issue is violation of the first amendment issue. Government entities may make reasonable content-neutral