Giuseppe is a 14-year-10 month-old, Latino male in the 8th grade referred for counseling through AB3632 from Hollywood Senior high School under the Los Angeles Unified School District. Giuseppe’s school counselor indicates Giuseppe has difficulty controlling his anger towards peers. She also shares that Giuseppe fights with his peers leading to a suspension from school for three days due to fighting. Giuseppe’s mother reports that at home he is very oppositional especially with his father. Giuseppe’s mother has made multiple threats to call the police and have him spend time at Juvenile Hall if the behaviors persist. The counselor and mother, both report that Giuseppe has an attitude problem and frequently argues with them. According to Giuseppe, he believes he cannot control his anger and resorts to hitting. When asked why he is in counseling, Giuseppe responds, “I have an anger problem.” When asked what an anger problem meant to him he responded, “I will never back own from anyone.” Fro the initial interview with Giuseppe this behavior is culturally accepted. He has repeatedly indicated that his father encourages him to defend himself. He has stated that his father has often told him he “…is not raising no punks…” Parents are part of a street gang although they are not actively participating in any gang activity. Giuseppe denies gang involvement.
Background Information Parents currently living together as roommates. They have a roommate relationship. Both parents are actively dating and Giuseppe indicates it does not bother him. He is satisfied because he has both parents. Giuseppe and his siblings are the only children to both parents. Giuseppe reports that he and his brother have grown up with cousins. He describes his home as the “house where everybody goes to.” Cousins vary in ages from a 21-year-old male to a 12-year-old female; he adds there are at least 4 cousins that frequent the home. Giuseppe’s younger brother,
References: Corey, G. (2001). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (pp. 294-339). Stamford, CT: Brooks/Cole Thomson Learning. Garrison, S.T., & Stolberg, A.L. (1983). Modification of anger in children by affective imagery training. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 11, 115-130. Goldstein, A.P., & Glick, B. (1987). Aggression replacement training: A comprehensive intervention for aggressive youth. Champaign, IL: Research Press Kendall, P.C. (1993). Cognitive-behavioral therapies with youth: Guiding theory, current status, and emerging developments. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 61 (2), 235-247. Kendall, P.C., Ronan, K.R., & Epps, J. (1991). Aggression in children/adolescents: Cognitive-behavioral treatment perspective. In D.J. Pepler & K.H. Rubin (Eds.), The development and treatment of childhood aggression (pp. 341-360). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Lebelle. N. (2005). Focus Adolescent Services. Retrieved on February 27, 2010 from Mounts, N.S. (1997). Aggression and peer-rejected children. Human Development and Family Life Bulletin, 3(2), 1-4 Sisco, B. (1991). Anger: How to handle it during recovery. Minneapolis: Johnson Institute. Tamaki, S. (1994). Adolescent Anger Control. Retrieved on 6/2/2010 from