College of Management
T. Sloan
Case Study Write-up #3
Sport Obermeyer is a high-end fashion skiwear design and merchandising company headquartered in
Aspen, Colorado that sells its products through U.S. department stores and ski shops. Although the company has a global supply network, most of its critical outerwear products are sourced through the
Hong Kong-based company Obersport, a joint venture between Sport Obermeyer and a Hong Kong partner. Obersport, in turn, manages supply and production operations in Hong Kong and China. This case provides an in-depth description of the planning and production processes Sport Obermeyer and its supply channel partners undergo each year to develop and deliver new product lines.
Please prepare a report that addresses the questions below. Answers must be typed (doublespaced), and write-ups will be evaluated on their content and presentation, including logic, organization, grammar, and spelling.
You must work on the case in groups of two (2) to four (4) students. You are responsible for determining who is in your group and how work is allocated. Please turn in one write-up per group, and list the names of all group members on the write-up.
Refer to the handout titled “Guidelines for Case Study Write-ups” for more information on the content and format for case write-ups.
Questions [2 points each]
1. What are the key activities/events involved in the design, ordering, production, and shipment of Sport Oberymeyer’s products? When do these activities/events take place? Discuss the challenges faced by Sport Obermeyer in managing its global supply chain.
2. How can Wally use the Buying Committee’s forecasts to estimate the risk associated with early production of each style? Using the sample data given in Exhibit 10, make a recommendation for how many units of each style Wally Obermeyer should order during the initial phase of production. Assume that all 10