Sam Poulsen
Child Safety Officer
Rockhampton North Child Safety Service Centre
Title Slide
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• There are 6 subject children in this family with 3 different fathers • Seth, Jackson and Rosemary are full siblings as are Shae and Summah • Diann is still currently in a relationship with Shane, but it is belived that she still has contact with Daniel as well. • Diann is 31 and Shane is 43. • Describe the personalities of each of the children. • Contact is currently restricted between Diann and Seth, Jackson, Tahnie and Rosemary. This was due to concerns about Diann’s mental health and also the effect of Diann’s sporadic attendance at visits was having on the children. • Diann and Shane are able to have supervised contact with Shae and Summah. However as Shae and Summah are currently placed in Moura contact has been intermittent. • Tahnie and Jackson and Shae and Summah are placed together. Rosemary and Seth are not placed with siblings. Rosemary because she is in her original placement since being removed and Seth due to behavioural considerations. • We are currently working with the carers of the children to ensure the siblings have more contact.
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Slide 3 – Genogram
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Reasons for the family coming to the attention of the department:
• This family first came to the attention of the department in 2004. The concerns at this time were parental drug and alcohol abuse, severe domestic violence, neglect regarding living conditions and improper supervision. • Seth was three at this time, Jackson 2 and Tahnie was 2 months old. • In 2006 concerns were received regarding Daniel throwing Seth out of a window resulting in him breaking his leg. Daniel was also observed to punch Seth in the stomach. • The resulting IA confirmed the child protection concerns of physical harm, domestic violence, neglect, drug use and improper supervision.