Upon entering Vehicle Services I met Brian McCarthy (Business Manager) and Jim Pine (Director of Vehicle Services). Jim filled me in on what had transpired on the morning of 12/14/15 and provided me with a written incident report. Jim and Brian answered as many of the questions that I asked as they were capable of answering and directed me to Darlene Riccio (Keyboarding Clerk 3) to answer the rest.
As per these discussions it was learned that there are only 2 individuals who have the combination to the safe, one being Darlene Riccio (Keyboarding Clerk 3) and the other is Amanda DeMartino (Keyboarding Clerk 1). The safe is kept locked at all times and is only opened when cash is needed. The money in the petty cash account is primarily used for purchasing titles at Motor Vehicle Commission and employee travel reimbursement (mostly parking fees). When the cash reserve gets low, Darlene submits the receipts collected to the Ocean County Finance Dept. who then reimburses the cash account. A cash audit is performed once a month by Darlene Riccio and is witnessed by one other employee. That 2nd employee can vary from month to month, but most often it is …show more content…
Amanda DeMartino. The last cash audit performed without incident was on 11/19/2015.
On the morning in question, Darlene entered the safe to get cash to use at the Motor Vehicle Commission to purchase titles.
It was at this time that she decided to perform the December cash audit. It was during this audit that she noticed that $80 was missing.
When HFA performed their cash audit the count was as follows: $10 in cash, $70 in parking receipts, and $840 in title receipts from Motor Vehicle Commission, totaling $920. The petty cash account should have a total of $1000 in it at all