“No culture can live, if it attempts to be exclusive.” – Mahatma Gandhi
The Philippine jeepney spells out loud what Filipino culture is. Resourceful, artistic, ingenuous. But along with it comes another perception. It reflects the dingy, disgracing traits somehow deeply embedded in our society– indiscipline, stubbornness, dishonesty, and freeloading. Does culture have an expiry date? Cannot we put aside what we’ve been used to, what we’ve been born with, to take on something ‘bigger and bolder’??
World Bank (2001) with its Urban Transport Strategy Review alleged that the public transport has a very poor image and reputation. It is associated with very low earnings and exploited crews. In the case of the Philippines, we see how ‘boundaries’ set by transport operators leads to the despicable behaviour of drivers, thus contributing to the negative image of the sector. Moreover, urban congestion, adverse environmental impacts resulting from the use of small, old, and decrepit vehicles, as well as the destabilization of existing services are persisting defects long-desired to be rehabilitated (World Bank).
Consider fuel economy and CO2 emission rates. Widely acknowledged public utility vehicles such as the Toyota Coaster, Mitsubishi Coaster, and Hyundai County evidently have more efficient fuel consumption and CO2 output than our beloved jeepneys. Respectively, the average fuel consumption are 18.44 km/l, 14.79 km/l, 18.31km/l (Mills, 2013) compared to our king of the road’s average of 5.53km/l - 6 km/l (Napalang & Vergel, 2010, p.4), while the carbon output on the average is 174.8 g/km, 210 g/km, 171.9 g/km (Mills) with our jeepneys belching it big-time at 601 CO2 g/km emission rates (Napalang & Vergel, p.2).
Bigger vehicles tend to protect their occupants better in a collision than smaller vehicles, concluded by Insure.com in a comparison of
References: Danise, Amy. (2013, January 28). The best and worst vehicles for preventing passenger injuries.Retrieved February 06, 2013, from: http://www.insure.com Jallaluddin, Annuar, Frost and Sullivan Market Insight. (2001, August 31). The Filipino Jeepneys: The King Steps Down. Retrieved February 07, 2013, from: http://www.frost.com/prod/servlet/market-insight-print.pag?docid=IMAY-52BHZL Mills, Jamie Victor. (2013). Car Emissions Information – Carbon Dioxide, Mileage and Emissions Data for Cars. Retrieved February 11, 2013, from: http://www.caremissions.com/cars/index/toyota%20coaster%20petrol/page:2 Napalang, M.S.A. & Vergel, K.N. (2010, January 01). Alternative methodology for e valuating fuel efficiency and carbon emissions for jeepneys. Retrieved February 10, 2013, from:http://www.docstoc.com/docs/22875816/ALTERNATIVE- METHODOLOGY-FOR-EVALUATING-FUEL-EFFICIENCY-OF-AND World Bank. (2001). Cities on the Move: A World Bank Urban Transport and Strategy Review. [p.103]. Retrieved February 13, 2013, from: http://web.worldbank.org & http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTURBANTRANSPORT/Resources/chapter7.pdf