1. Briefly describe the pathophysiology of CAD (25 points)
Coronary artery disease is one of the most prominent forms of heart disease. It occurs when the coronary arteries that supply the heart blood become narrowed, and eventually occluded. This narrowing typically takes place because of plaque build up due to cholesterol and other fatty substances being ingested, also called atherosclerosis. This thickening of the artery wall can take many years, eventually completely inhibiting blood flow. Because the blood flow has stopped, little oxygen gets to the heart, and the myocardial cells therefore die. This is when a heart attack ensues, also called a myocardial infarction.
2. Calculate Mr. S's BMI (25 Points)
Mr. S’s BMI is 25.77. I figured this out by using the equation
BMI=[(height in inches) x 703 =[(190) x 703 Weight2] 722]
3. Based on all the evidence do you think Mr S has clinically significant CAD? Explain (25 points)
Based on all the evidence presented, I believe that Mr. S has clinically significant CAD. His blood pressure of 142/88 indicated that he has isolated systolic hypertension. I know Mr. S is overweight because of his BMI reading being over 25, which also is a leading factor for type 2 diabetes. Glucose has accumulated in his blood because of his type 2 diabetes and cannot be picked up by insulin because it is deficient in his body. This glucose accumulation can be built up and another factor for plaque build up known as atherosclerosis. The fact that Mr. S smokes two and a half packs of cigarettes a day is also a factor that majorly contributes to CAD. Nicotine and other toxins in cigarettes can build up and block blood flow to the heart and therefore decrease Mr. S cholesterol level is 250 mg/dl, which is high along with his LDL and Triglyceride level. His HDL levels are low, which is bad because this is the good cholesterol for the body. All