Exhibit 3 on overhead spending and activities disclose that the profitability of larger (20 projects) and smaller (100 projects) projects undertaken by Survey Masters in 2006. Cost of Capital is very important for the small business or projects because in the small projects there is no need for long term credit or debit. Smaller projects are much reliable than larger projects. There are two possibilities with overhead; 1) as a percentage of revenue 2) as a cost per unit of service. According to exhibit 3, Linda used as a cost per unit of service. Linda did total 160 trips survey proposed and design therein 50 trips for the 20 larger projects only while 110 trips for the 100 smaller projects. One complicated thing was data collection for smaller projects because smaller projects was more than larger so in this way analysis and report preparation was too difficult for smaller projects. According to exhibit 3, the statistics shows that 20 larger projects
Exhibit 3 on overhead spending and activities disclose that the profitability of larger (20 projects) and smaller (100 projects) projects undertaken by Survey Masters in 2006. Cost of Capital is very important for the small business or projects because in the small projects there is no need for long term credit or debit. Smaller projects are much reliable than larger projects. There are two possibilities with overhead; 1) as a percentage of revenue 2) as a cost per unit of service. According to exhibit 3, Linda used as a cost per unit of service. Linda did total 160 trips survey proposed and design therein 50 trips for the 20 larger projects only while 110 trips for the 100 smaller projects. One complicated thing was data collection for smaller projects because smaller projects was more than larger so in this way analysis and report preparation was too difficult for smaller projects. According to exhibit 3, the statistics shows that 20 larger projects