Week 6 Mentorship Meeting Worksheet
Please complete this sheet with your mentor and submit it to your instructor.
Date of Meeting: 06/03/13
Meeting Duration: 1 hr 30 min
1. Meeting notes – what was discussed during your meeting?
We discussed if mentoring had influenced her in any way in her organization. I wanted to know if mentoring me has changed any views she has, or procedures. We discussed different information and tactics. She explained what her inspirations and motivations were to keep going and fighting for her business. My mentor is a courageous woman, not a lot of people have the mental capacity or ability to create what she has. I am in awe of her and I expressed to her what a privilege it was to have her as my mentor. She has asked me to keep going with her and she will show me everything she has learned over the years. We have agreed to meet every three weeks.
2. What issues have you encountered since the last meeting and how did you address them?
Since the last meeting, I did not encounter any issues but she discussed a situation that she had this week, and how she handled it. In her business hair products are sold, employees are to record the products sold under a specific general ledger account. My mentor had noticed that product inventory was a lot less than it should be based on funds recorded for items sold. On Tuesday, she decided to take the day off and she sat at home and reviewed the security system. Around 3 p.m., she noticed that a client requested hair product. The product was sold at $14, which is the price for a haircut. When my mentor arrived at work, she noticed that the product had not been recorded but two $14 haircuts were recorded. Right then she knew exactly what was going on. She took count of inventory and sales and she calculated a $2,529.00 loss. She held a meeting with all the employees and explained the situation. She expressed her findings and relayed to the entire