Alex Sander’s Organizational Behavior Review:
A Brief Case Analysis
Oakley Tyler
Business 305-02
Professor Pratt
October 9, 2008 Alex Sander’s Organizational Behavior Review Page 2
Alex Sander is the project manager at Landon Care Products, Inc. Alex is smart. Alex is self-driven. Alex is an asset to his company in that he makes intelligent decisions, faces challenges straight on, and confidently makes things happen while getting things done. In over just one year at Landon, Alex rebranded two national skin care products. Sam Glass, Alex’s supervisor, expected Alex to cause waves within the work place when he hired him, due to his aggressive personality. This is exactly what happened. What Sam failed to predict when he hired Alex a year ago, was the extent to which Alex would cause waves among co-workers. A recent 360( review conducted at Landon justifies Alex’s disregard for co-worker’s feelings. And while this performance review is the issue Glass wishes to address, Alex has recently voiced an interest in moving further up in the company to a higher, more influential position. Alex sees himself as a leader. The problem is that while his co-workers respect him, they do not see him as a team leader. In order to help Alex become a leader, Glass needs to help Alex address this critical issue. And because of Alex’s personality, this will not be easy. Alex’s personality needs to be briefly addressed to help clarify the reasons behind the problem he is having at work. Alex has the personality characteristic of Machiavellianism, which according to Robbins and Judge, this means that he is pragmatic, maintains emotional distance, and believes that ends justify means (2009). For example, Alex admits that, “if being pushy and commanding is the only way to get the job done- to get two new products out in one year- then it’s worth it to me. Even if I
References: Greiner, L. E., & Collins, E. (2008). A day in the life of Alex Sander: driving in the fast lane at Landon Care Products. Harvard Business Publishing. Retrieved October 1, 2008, from Harvard Business Publishing database (2177). Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2009). Organizational Behavior. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.