Purpose The capacity to reflect is an important element of professional life. It enhances the capacity to evaluate current knowledge and to understand and accept personal weaknesses and strengths. The three reflective pieces in this assignment provide an opportunity for students to practice critical reflection and recognise its value in professional life. Description of the assignment The assignment requires the writing of three short reflective pieces. Each piece will reflect on a specific activity within the course. The three pieces in total should not exceed 2000 words in length.
Each piece requires the student to bring together a designated reading or activity, concepts from the relevant part of the course, and personal experience, to turn these over in the mind and reflect on the topic, and to write in the first person about her or his considered view.
Format Your answer should be in the form of three short pieces of reflective writing. Each should be about two or three paragraphs long, but that is a general guide, not a requirement – the word length, about 2000 words, should be kept in mind.
A number of resources are available to assist students with reflective thinking and reflective writing. These are outlined in the Resources section below. Extra information relating to this will be placed on the course site under the heading ‘Assignment 3-resources’
When submitting the assignment on turnitin the Feedback sheet is to be included and the student is to complete the ‘rubrics’ at the bottom of the Feedback form, indicating his or her own evaluation of the assignment against the assessment criteria. Specific information about the 3 reflective pieces You are required to write three separate reflective pieces for this assignment:
1. The first reflective piece requires you to reflect on your personal consumption as a tertiary student and that of your institution in