Jennifer Brown, Clara Ozoigbo, Shanahan Arisa, Ndidi Uchegbu
March 22, 2015
Anatomy and Physiology II 2402- 43002
Eastfield Community College
Delores Welborn is a 28-year-old attorney living in Portland, Oregon. Delores is in the second trimester of pregnancy with her first child, and though her pregnancy had been progressing normally, recently she has noticed that she tires very easily and is short of breath from even the slightest exertion. She also has experience periods of light-headedness, though not to the point of fainting. Other changes she has noticed are cramping in her legs, a desire to crunch on ice, and the fact that her tongue is sore. She doubts that all of these symptoms are related to one another, but she is concerned, and she makes an appointment to see her physician.
Upon examining Dolores, her physician finds that she has tachycardia, pale gums and nail beds, and her tongue is swollen.
Keywords: Iron Deficiency Anemia, tachycardia
A Case of Iron Deficiency Anemia
A diagnosis of the anemia due to iron deficiency is made and oral iron supplements prescribed. Dolores’s symptoms are eliminated within a couple of weeks and the remainder of her pregnancy progresses without difficulty.
Describe the structure of a molecule of hemoglobin and explain the role played by iron in the transport of oxygen.
The structure of hemoglobin is a hemi group. A hemi group consists of an iron (Fe) ion held in a heterocyclic ring. Iron binds with oxygen. Therefore, it has a very important role in transporting oxygen in the blood.
How is iron stored and transported in the body?1
Approximately two-third of the iron in the body is stored in hemoglobin. The Surplus iron that is not available directly in the blood is stored in the iron-storing proteins known as ferritin. When dietary iron has been plentiful, ferritin is constantly and rapidly made and broken down, providing an ever-ready supply of iron. Ferritin is used as
Cited: De Almeida Santos, Carmen Lucia, et al. “Iron Deficiency During Pubertal Growth Spurt.” Revista Brasileira De Crescimento E Desenvolvimento Humano 22.3 (2012): 341-347. EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete. Web. 18 Mar. 2015. Friedman, Arnold J, et al, “Iron Deficiency Anemia In Women Across The Life Span.” Journal Of Women’s Health (15409996) 21.12 (2012): 1282-1289. EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete. Web. 18 Mar. 2015. Golbahar, Jamal, et al. “Association Of Vitamin D Deficiency And Hyperparathyroidism With Anemia: A Cross Section Study.” Jouranl Of Blood Medicine 4. (2013): 123-128. EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete. Web. 18 Mar. 2015.