Case Study Bank of America (A)
by Alexander Beil Christoph Hillgärtner Florian Schlegelmilch
Harvard Case Study: Bank of America
List of Contents
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Introduction / Definitions Overview “Bank of America” Product development processes Strength and weaknesses of the systems Learning through experimentation Conclusion / Learnings Summary Questions for group discussion References
Harvard Case Study: Bank of America
1. Introduction / Definitions
Description of the case study “Bank of America (A)” * The case study describes how Bank of America is creating a system for product and service innovation in its retail banking business. Emphasis is placed on the role of experimentation in some two-dozen real-life "laboratories" that serve as fully operating banking branches and as sites for testing new ideas and concepts. Focuses on: 1) 2) 3) how learning from experimentation can be maximized; incentive and reward systems that motivate employees to experiment in "life" environments; the challenges of managing innovation in an industry that eschews risks, failure, and change.
Harvard Case Study: Bank of America
1. Introduction / Definitions
Process: which activities are to be taken, in which order* Organization: who (person, team or department) is involved (who is responsible for what)?* Management: how to get things done (how to keep the process running effectively)?* Culture: which habits and traits support the process and the people involved (which values are necessary to be successful)?*
*Reference:, Guide for the case study "Bank of America"
Harvard Case Study: Bank of America
1. Introduction / Definitions
Innovation: Innovation is the implementation of a new or significantly improved idea, good, service, process or practice which is intended to be useful.