NAME: Judy Kundert
DATE: APRIL 25, 2011
Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education is a 501(C) 3 nonprofit corporation that exists to serve the shared interests of public agencies, businesses, teachers, community organization, and individuals disturbing or using environmental education (EE) materials and programs. It is a neutral and objective source of information related to EE in Colorado and a voice for EE’s important role in the balance between societal needs and environmental quality. As a statewide member organization, CAEE has over 850 members from across Colorado including teachers, students, information educators, public agency employers, and retirees.
CAEE is a national leader in innovative, state-of-the-art approaches to statewide capacity building for EE resources. More than 500 organizations, engaging thousands of staff and volunteers, are providing EE programs and services.
The organization faces two problems: 1) image awareness and 2) funding.
The organization faces a lack of image awareness for the following reasons: 1) with the large number of diverse organizations and flexible staff and volunteer participants it is difficult to create a unified brand image; and 2) with a staff of from 2 to 4 members as the only consistent representatives for CAEE, their image tends to define CAEE. Therefore, the organization needs to create and communicate a consistent message for CAEE to enhance its image and increase members and partners with their one of their primary target audiences-K-12 educators.
The CAEE has the following image/brand elements, but it needs a wider public and media exposure to generate image awareness.
Current Brand Images: • CAEE Logo, which is used on all advertisements and promotions • CAEE is prominently displayed on its website and all e-mail addresses • CAEE has a