TA 079 Wekiva (Orange) Leadership Competency Demonstrations
March 17, 2013 Case Study Analysis An Analysis of the Case: Lessons at Hard Rock High by Carrie Y. Barron Ausbrooks
This is an analysis of Lessons at Hard Rock High by Carrie Y Barron Ausbrooks 2003. The case study describes the circumstances of Principal Deborah Barklay who has been in the position for two years. Her school, Hard Rock High School, is part of the Leading Edge Independent School District. The district is on the “cutting edge of innovation” and implements a district-wide technological network. The district has experienced rapid growth and a change in the ethnic composition of the students and faculty. Deborah Barklay has an extensive background and experience in dealing with cultural diversity and she felt that she had all her basis covered in leading a campus of diverse students and faculty. The principal one day is faced with lawsuits that claim that the school has violated the rights of Native American and African American students within her school. She is concerned that the district officials will blame her for what is happening at the school and she ponders what her next step should be. This case study will be used as a foundation for how I should make rational decisions based on being cultural proficient and implications that happen when certain aspects of this process are overlooked while wearing the shoes of a school administrator.
Deborah Barklay is the principal of Hard Rock High School. She was reflecting on what a good decision she made in accepting this position. Her extensive experience and leadership skills prepared her well for this job in the Leading Edge Independent School District (ISD). The district has experienced rapid growth and has implemented a technological network. Hard Rock High School reflected some of the district’s changing
References: Bagin, D., Gallagher, D.R., & Moore, E.H. (2008). The School and Community Relations. Boston, Massachusetts: Pearson Education Inc. Books, S. (2007). Invisible Children in the Society and Its Schools. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Florida School Leaders (2011). Developing Stakeholder Relationships. Retrieved on 2/10/13 from https://www.floridaschoolleaders.org/resources/index.aspx Haberman Educational Foundation. (2008). The Urban Administrator Questionnaire. Retrieved on 1/22/2013 from http://altcert.org?StarAdministratorQuestionnnaire.aspx. Kawalski, J.T. (2007) Case studies on educational administration. (5th ed.) Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon Lindsey, R.B., Robins, K.N., & Terrell, R.D. (2010). Cultural Proficiency: A Manual for School Leaders. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. Print.