We are respectful of other’s spaces and needs and work together to find solutions to regular problems. For example, we only have one computer lab that is consistently working, so we often double-up and share our lab time. It is not the best scenario, but it is what we have to do to make it work. We are coming into crunch time at the moment. May and June are heavily scheduled days for state testing. State testing is now all online and this means that both computer labs and all mobile labs are not available for classroom teachers. Teachers are unable to use any technology during the last six weeks of school because of state …show more content…
It is getting better and I believe that we could utilize our existing facilities if our school would put a computer in every student’s hand. The English and social studies departments now have online access to all textbooks, assessments and support materials. Unfortunately, we don’t always have access to a lab and therefore, we are unable to utilize all of the online resources we have available. Other departments are moving in that direction as their curriculum adoption schedule comes up. Improving our technology infrastructure is possible with our existing facilities. It is just finding the funding to do it now. We tried to pass a bond last year and it was voted down by the community. Some of the improvements addressed the exact issues I have