Based on the progress report dated 03/23/16 by Dr. Gaeta, the patient complains of pain in his right upper extremities, including his shoulder, arm, and hand, rated as 8/10.
Treatments to date include pain medication, braces/casts, physical therapy, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation unit (TENS), exercise program, trigger point injections, and nerve blocks as improving his condition.
The quality of the pain is described as throbbing, shooting, …show more content…
The functional goals include demonstrating increased activities of daily living participation with the right upper extremity from less than 1 minute to greater than 10 minutes and increasing right side lifting/carrying capability from 8 pounds with the use of a wrist brace to 15 pounds without the use of the wrist brace. IW has a strong desire to be rehabilitated and is motivated to participate in a functional restoration program, with a goal of increased function, reestablish independence in ac4vities of daily living, and further integration into the community.
The patient will be participating in psychological classes to understand chronic pain and build pain coping skills, working on fitness and functional activities training to build core strength, stability, and endurance for activities of daily living (ADLs), as well as many other educational components specific to his …show more content…
Jacome, it was noted that the IW’s chronic pain condition has produced an impact on both his physical and psychological functioning Conversely, it is widely recognized that psychological factors can exacerbate chronic pain symptoms and have an impact on the individual’s physical functioning, leading to maladaptive behaviors. The psychosocial component of the IW’s treatment includes specific coping skills training for him to become proficient in the use of cognitive and behavioral strategies to manage stress and pain more effectively. As the intended outcome of the proposed interdisciplinary treatment, the IW will be able to: decrease depressive symptomatology; Iincrease self-esteem and assertiveness; increase a sense of self-competence and self efficacy; increase self-confidence in his physical and mental ability to be productive; and learn evidence-based strategies to manage stress and other adaptive ways to cope with pain, and its sequelae more effectively.
Per the PT evaluation report dated 03/23/16, the patient has a significant loss of functional independence resulting from his chronic pain. MD has determined that he is an appropriate candidate for an “IPRP” at