1) Holistic approach means meeting the needs of the person a whole, not just the physical needs such as pain and discomfort. Also looking at the emotional, mental, social and spiritual needs. There are various ways of managing pain and discomfort; these may be from a medical perceptive, but also by self-help. Every individual has a different pain threshold and this will determine what is tolerable and what pain intervention will be needed to keep it under control.
Conventional medicine, alternative and complementary therapies can be used as an option to relieve pain and other symptoms if desired. A care plan is individualised and enveloped to cater for the service users which support their wishes, preferences and what is important to them. Pain relief should be documented.
Remaining positive about abilities and keeping as active as possible with a good support network around the service user, will increase the sense of well-being and make pain discomfort a little more tolerable.
2) There are four types of approaches to relieve pain.
Using physical methods much as a hot water bottle, cooling with ice or repositioning.
The use of drugs such as opiates, morphine. Non-inflammatory, for example ibuprofen.
Self-help methods such as walking, exercise, distractions activities.
Other therapies: reflexology, acupuncture, aromatherapy, ect.
3) Before using any method to help pain, the individual needs to be assessed as all kinds of pain relief can have side effects and so needs a risk assessment. The care plan should identify the pain relief to be used and give guidance for procedures to be followed and any precautions to be followed.
Outcome 2
1) Pain and discomfort can affect well-being and communication levels of an individual. It may make the person angry and aggravated, which could lead them to say them to say things they don’t mean to say, or make it that they are unable to express themselves clearly. It could also make them withdrawn and