Unit Title: 212 - Provide support to manage pain and discomfort.
Reflective Account
Assessor Use Only- Assessment Criteria Met
Candidate to provide narrative under each statement of how they meet the criteria. You must provide answers to each question that allow your examiner to properly assess what work duties you are doing or what role you have within your work. It expected that you will need approximately 200 words per question. The more detail you provide the less likely your account will be sent back for more clarification.
You must answer each question in your own words and written in the first person meaning “I do this”. A tip is always to keep in mind the “who, why, how, where and when” in each answer.
Learning Outcome 1-Understand approaches to managing pain and discomfort
1.1 Explain the importance of a holistic approach to managing pain and discomfort
When I support the individual suffering from pain and discomfort, I try to understand his/her condition holistically. I believe that this is the only that approach will help me to support the individual entirely.
I think about pain and discomfort as an outcome of changes in the body. I try to understand the reason causing suffering because only then I will be able to support the person effectively. In my work place, I meet many people experiencing pain due to poor or inappropriate positioning or moving. If I look at the situation holistically, I will be able to help the individual to maintain adequate position or change it frequently to relief discomfort and promote well being. I will not only focus my attention on administering pain relief medication, I will support the person to minimise triggers causing his/her discomfort.
When I care for the client in pain, I look how his/her discomfort affects the person's life entirely. I might support the individual suffering from indigestion or heartburn. I know