The Concept of Health: very diverse- has a different meaning to everyone. The diversity can be recognized by considering the different meaning of health that has developed over time
World Health Organisation (WHO) definition of Health:
A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
|wellness of the body and the absence|a sense of purpose and meaning in |state of well-being, where we can |ability to interact with other |
|of chronic pain or discomfort. |our life, and to feel connected with|realize our abilities. EG: coping |people in an interdependent and |
| |society. |with stress |co-operative way. |
|- bodily functions |- purpose |- feelings |- communication skills |
|- nutritional status |- meaning |- adaptation |- interpersonal relationships |
|- fitness |- connectedness |- decision making |- |
|- resistance to disease |- |- |- |
Interactions between dimensions of health:
|physical and emotional |emotional and spiritual |spiritual and social |social and physical |
RELATIVE AND DYNAMIC NATURE OF HEALTH: represented in a health continuum
|Poor health |Less than satisfactory |Satisfactory