Whenever I would think of health and wellness, my mind would always revert back to just being sick or being in shape. I have learned that it is much more to it than just that. Health and wellness is more of being in a state of total social, mental, and physical wellbeing. Factors such as the environment, social life, emotions, spirituality, and physicality all play a role in one’s health. In order to life fully with meaning, these dimensions are a very important part of our health. Physical health deals with body size and shape. Social health is more of how you deal…
Being healthy and having overall wellness is more than just a physical aspect in our lives as human beings. In order to have health and wellness is a combination of…
This course provides an overview of the key components of comprehensive wellness. Based on a preventive model, the…
Wellness is “a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence…
Well-being/Wellness is a subjective perception of vitality and feeling well which can be described objectively, experienced, and measured and can be plotted on a continuum. Dunn’s concept of high level wellness theorizes that wellness is the degree of illness/health modified by the environment. It says that it is an integrated method of functioning that is oriented towards maximizing the potential of which the person is capable. It requires that the individual maintain a continuum of balance and purposeful direction within the environment where he is functioning. The patient’s perception of health,…
One cannot achieve overall health unless they are physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially well. All of these aspects must be at optimal best allowing one to function well in life.…
In approximately 125 to 200 words, describe health and wellness in your own words using the ideas and concepts of the six dimensions of…
Wellness is not just survival but it is thriving according to training I attended through the organisation I work for. Wellness has to do with quality of life, for example doing things that one enjoys and having relations with other people instead of paid workers. Circumstances such as finances to do what one enjoys, activities that bring satisfaction, sense of control and arrange of things that bring enjoyment contribute to wellness.…
Before reading this chapter I would have defined health as just being about physical activity because that is all I was taught about health. I was taught that health was about having your body in a good condition and eating the right foods. I did not know that there was so much more behind health. Now that I have read this chapter I have learned that health is not only about doing physical activities to keep your body in shape. Health is about having a positive, optimistic outlook. You can have so many dimensions of health such as of course, physical health, spiritual health, social health, intellectual health and environmental health. Physical health refers to the way that your body functions. This includes eating right, getting regular exercise, and being at your recommended body weight. Physical health is also avoiding drugs and alcohol and being free of disease and sickness. Spiritual health is maintaining harmonious relationships with other living things and having spiritual direction and purpose. This includes living according to one’s ethics, morals and values. Social health is the quality of your relationships with friends, family, teachers and others you are in contact with.…
I think nobody is complety healthy because we are not perfect and it means we will have several illnesses or something inside of your body will not work fine. Also, there are people that make a lot of exercises and they harm themselve. They become it in a obsessed. Nevertheless, there are people that never make no exercise anytime and it is bad for them. On the other hand, I guess my health is good. As well, I try to eat less fat but I am not obsessed with it. Besides, I have not went to the doctor for a longer. So, I think I am fine. For me people is not healthy enough because their job or their responsibilities make them have not time to take care of them. For example, work recently have become in a jail for people. I mean, they even have…
Wellness is the process of adopting patterns of behavior that can lead to improved health and heightened life satisfaction. The dimensions of wellness are physical, emotional, intellectual, spirituals interpersonal or social, and environmental. Wellness is conceptualized as a continuum; one end of the continuum represents extreme illness and premature death,…
“Wellness is proactive rather than reactive, and inclusive and accessible to laypersons rather than the exclusive. “It involves a philosophy of self-respect and self-care that can be accessed by different persons in different ways, then nurtured and extended in other areas of their lives” (Hatfield, 1992). In order for us to become a person who is well, we need to be proactive and work on the areas of physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and social wellness. Wellness is an ongoing process to where your empowering yourself to live a full and healthy life.…
Wellness- is an integrated method of functioning oriented towards maximizing the potentials of an individual within the environment where he is functioning. - Dunn.…
“Imagine someone who suffers from lapses of memory, hallucinations, sudden depressions and nameless fears. These are all mental symptoms, in the straightforward sense of involving states of mind” (Scruton, 1981, p. 37). Imagine living with these “lapses of memory, hallucinations, and sudden depressions and nameless fears” every day. Now imagine being unemployed and trying to learn to cope with all these symptoms on top of trying to succeed and find a job. There are many people who have a mental illness that have the desire to obtain community employment. Many people want to work so they can have the money to fulfill their needs and their wants, to be independent and to socialize with their coworkers and/or customers. It motivates people, creates…
The world that we know today has come a long way since the 1900’s. If we think about the number of philosophers and psychologists that have made discoveries and hypothesis about the things around them in connection with their ideals, principals and values, we can all clearly explain that the world is ever changing as a result of holistic approaches and expression of intelligence. With this being said, it is with certainty that I believe in the idealism philosophy.…