State of being well and using every power the individual possesses to the fullest extent.- (nightingale)
Wellness- is an integrated method of functioning oriented towards maximizing the potentials of an individual within the environment where he is functioning. - Dunn.
Well being- a subjective perception of balance, harmony, and vitality. - (Leddy and pepper)
Disturbance on normal functioning.
Can be acute or chronic
Acute- sudden onset and can be easily recovered from
Chronic- longer duration
Alteration in body functions resulting in q reduction of capacities or shortening of normal life span.
Status of entity associated with disease or illness.
Factors influencing definition of health.
Developmental status
Social and cultural influences
Previous experiences
Expectations of self
Perceptions of self
* leavel and clark model
*dunn's high level of wellness
*travis's illness-wellness model
*rosenstoch - becker's health belief model
Variables influencing health and health beliefs and practices.
Internal variables.
Biological dimensions
Developmental make up
Genetic make up
Psychological dimensions
Mind body interactions
Self concept
Cognitive dimensions
Life style choices
Spiritual and religious beliefs.
External variables
Family practices
Socio economic factors
Cultural background
*Health promotion model (pender)
Health promotion
Not disease oriented
Motivated by personal. Positive approach to wellness
Seeks to expand positive potential for health. nurse's role in health promotion
Model healthy lifestyle
Facilitate client involvement
Teach self care strategies
Assist clients to increase levels of health
Educate clients to be effective in health care consumers.
Other heal models
Holistic health model
Clinical model
Role performance model
Adaptive model
Eudemonistic model