Absence of mammography screening Findings
1 This study was done on 620,620 women ages 40-49 living in Sweden. Screening covered 34 geographical areas. Screening intervals varied between 18 months to 24 months. These women were followed until the end of follow up or the occurrence of death from breast cancer or other cause of death. These women were followed between:12-16 years on average 14 years. One-view or two-view mammography Women ages 40-49 in areas not invited to attend screening during the study period. In the study group there were 803 breast cancer deaths during 7.3 million person-years and there were 1238 breast cancer deaths during 8.8 million person-years in the control group. This results in an estimated RR of 0.79. The screening group is less likely to die from breast cancer compared to those who were not screened.
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Sample size of 50,000 women from Copenhagen & 10,000 from Funen county who were observed for a 10-year period. The screening group was observed from 1997-2006 and the non-screening group was 10 year period before screening was introduced (1982-91). Three age groups were used for the study group and control group: 35-54, 55-74, 75-84. Mammography screening The rest of the Denmark population (80%) was the non-screened areas. The study was unable to find an effect of the screening program on breast cancer mortality. In women 55-74 years old, a mortality decline of 1% per year in the screening areas was found (RR 0.99). There was a similar decline of 2% in mortality per year in the non-screening group (RR