History or Origin of Case Study
The origin of case study method is attributed to lawyers at Harvard University. The Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration thereafter did substantial path-breaking work of introducing case-study method of teaching management education. This technique has been on the curriculum of that institution for almost seven decades.
Indian Scenario
The Administrative Staff College, Hyderabad and Sri Ram Centre for Industrial Relations& HRD, New Delhi, have done a lot of work on case studies in India.
A number of Business Schools, especially the Indian Institutes of Management, have also been involved in the growth of this technique.
Case Study???
A case study is a written description of actual managerial problems, situations and events. It provides factual information about an industry, an organization, its product and markets, its competitive position and whatever financial, structural and economic data may be pertinent.
In essence, a case study provides a simulation of various organizational problems managers face on a daily basis. It is a short description, in words and numbers, of an actual management situation.
Aim of Solving a Case Study?
The aim of case study method of teaching management is to learn to analyze a near –life situation and to develop a solution by applying the theoretical concepts of management, taught at Business school.
The technique of learning by solving case studies can be applied to all streams of management studies, HRD, Finance, Materials, Marketing, Personnel, and Production etc.
The ultimate aim is to develop students so that they can apply these skills during their daily life as a manager.
Advantages of Solving Case Studies
The most important advantages of Solving Case Studies, is that it prepares the student-manager for problem –solving in day-to-day life. Other salient advantages are:
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