LaTonya L. Crumwell
Liberty University
Author Note
LaTonya L. Crumwell is a Psychology/Life Coach major at Liberty University
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to LaTonya L. Crumewell
This paper gives meaning to the word case study. It will help with understanding some reasons it is used as well as advantages and disadvantages of case study use. Most of the information given will come from the study in the book, Methods in Behavioral Research by Cozby and Bates (2012), as well as online research results by Saul McLeod (2008). Many definitions from on line and text may differ but will be cited within for verification. Keywords: Case …show more content…
Case study and What it Means to me Defined by Text and Online
There are many different types of case studies that can be used when doing research.
Depending on the need is how one must determine which study is best for the situation and information they are trying to find out. To know which case study is best you much make sure you know the definition of them and apply them to your research. When choosing a case study one much make sure that they pick the best one or the data may not be correct and those who may review the work or use as a comparison can have adverse effects on their study and the future of the results needed to help what originally was being research for purpose of helping a certain matter. Make sure that whatever you decide to apply you are consistent with what is defined in the text you use for …show more content…
Case Study
A case study is an in-depth investigation or observational method that provides a description of an individual, group, event or community. The individual is usually a person, but it may also be a setting such as a business, school, or neighborhood. (Cozby & Bates, 2012).
Case Study Approaches
Some reasons for a case study may depend on the purpose of the investigation; the case study may present the individual’s history, symptoms, characteristic behaviors, reactions to situations, or responses to treatment. Typically, a case study is done when an individual possesses a particularly rare, unusual, or noteworthy condition. (Cozby & Bates, 2012)
Case Study Advantages
There are many advantages to this type of study,
Provides very detailed information (qualitative)
Allows for further research later
Helps if there is need for of impractical or (unethical) situations (McLeod, 2008)
It also allows researchers to research in settings that they may not have been able to do in a research lab and can help with illustrating results or theories because you may be able to show actual video of the research as it was done.
Case Study Disadvantages As there are advantages to case study there are also disadvantages,
You will have trouble generalizing the results to a wide population
Bias by the researcher feeling on the matter can affect the outcome
Often difficult to duplicate
Very time consuming
Since research is based on the analysis of qualitative (i.e.
descriptive) data much of the interpretation is done by the researchers and the places where the information was taken from. This means that there the observance can be bias when documenting what they are seeing, causing the researchers opinions to “intrude in the assessment of what the data means.” (McLeod, 2008)
Sources for Case Study Information Case studying is not a research method; researchers have to use methods to collect and analysis that will give them the needed materials for case studies such as qualitative and quantitative techniques. They may use interviews, participant observation, official documents (e.g. case notes, clinical motes). This data that is collected would then be analyzed by using different theories. (McLeod, 2008)
Case study information can come from many places,
Archival Research (e.g. statistical records, survey archives, written and mass communication records, content analysis
Natural Observation (Cozby & Bates, 2012)
There are many elements to when doing a case study and choosing what method is best for the information or researches you are trying to gather for a particular situation. No matter what the information is you have to be careful and make sure your data is correct since most likely it will be reviewed and used as a study guide for other researchers too.
Works Cited
Cozby, P., & Bates, S. (2012). Methods in Behavioral Research. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
McLeod, S. (2008). Simple Psychology. Retrieved from Methods: Case Study Method: