Children with intellectual disability face challenges that affect all the family members and both internal and external relationships. Intellectual disability is defined as mental retardation, involves significant either mild or significant impairments in intellectual functioning. It might cause limitations in adaptive behaviour and cognitive reasoning that begin prior to the age of 18 (AAIDD, 2010) . This situation exists even after the context of community environment and mental limitations are measured and considered (Schalock, et al., 2007). Adaptive behaviour such as personal …show more content…
What are the difficulties faced by individuals with mild intellectual disabilities in a transition from the school-to work from the perspective of their parents?
2. Do the difficulties faced by individuals with mild intellectual disabilities in a transition from the school-to-work vary with the sex (male, female)?
3. Do the difficulties faced by individuals with mild intellectual disabilities vary with the age of disabled person?
4. Do the difficulties faced by individuals with intellectual disabilities vary with training programme?
5. Do the difficulties faced by individuals with mild intellectual disabilities vary with the period of training programme?
6. Do the difficulties faced by individuals with mild intellectual disabilities vary with the operator sector (private or governmental)?
In order to solve the research problem, there were two research designs that were considered- cross sectional design and case study. These two research designs had different approaches to solving the problem. This paper discussed the research perspective of the two deigns and compared the methods and data analysis techniques that each design employs. The results have been supported by literature review from different academic resources to verify and strengthen all arguments that were presented in this paper. The comparative note compares all the results and analysis of the