1. Understand the steps and stages of moving from childhood to adulthood.
1.1 Identify the range of physical, social and emotional changes which occur for young people as they move into adult.
Fear of the unknown
Acceptance from the general population
Involvement in the process
Choice, control and independence
1.2 Explain the changes faced by young people as they move from childhood into adulthood in relation to their: freedoms, rights and responsibilities. As a young person moves from childhood into adulthood there are many changes that they will face with freedoms, rights and responsibilities. These may include changes in their benefits, housing arrangements, care needed and the involvement of professionals after the age of eighteen. These changes may come as a shock and the young person may feel unprepared so it is the role of the parent or carer to ensure that as much of this transition period is explained and tuition given as possible.
1.3 Explain how culture may impact on the process of moving from childhood into adulthood. Within certain cultures there are specific rites of passage that the young people are expected to complete before they are seen as adults, for a child in the care sector these may be difficult to achieve and they may feel that they are being held back and will not be viewed as an adult in the eyes of their own culture.
1.4 Explain theories about change and how this can affect a young person with a disability. Current evidence about the transition to adulthood for young people with disabilities indicates that the process is extremely challenging. While there are substantial personal challenges such as physical, sensory, cognitive and communicative limitations, environmental barriers often present the most significant challenges for transition. Also, policies, systems and services tend to be uncoordinated or fragmented and young people