Produce a chart with information about the usual sequence of development of children and young people in terms of physical development, communication and intellectual development and social and emotional development from birth-19, with reference to the ages at which the development is usually attained.
In no less than 500 words describe how different aspects of development can affect one another. Please give at least 3 different examples to demonstrate this.
Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
In order to pass this unit, the evidence that you will presents for assessment needs to demonstrate that you can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit.
Learning Outcome & Assessment Criteria – Outcome 1
Learning Outcome
Assessment Criteria
1 Know the main stages of child and young person development.
1.1 Describe the expected pattern of children and young people's development from birth to 19 years, to include: physical development, communication and intellectual development, social, emotional and behavioural development.
1.2 Describe, with examples, how different aspects of development can affect one another
Learner Guidance Notes
1 Know the main stages of child and young person development
Pattern of development birth – 19 years: sequence usually same for all children; rate of individual development e.g. gross motor physical development, fine motor physical development, communication, intellectual, social development, emotional and behavioural development, puberty
Aspects of development: e.g. a baby who crawls early has the opportunity to explore their environment, a child who cannot use language to express their feelings may show frustrated behaviour, children with secure attachments may find it easier to make friendships and play cooperatively, influence of peer groups and sexual maturity on relationships in adolescence
Task 2
Prepare a presentation. The evidence may be presented as PowerPoint slides with notes to include: